News & Updates

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News & Updates

We will regularly update this page with details of news, events and more

Dates for your Diary

Did you know we have an Events Calendar? You can find out whats going on in and around our premises by checking out our Events page! From Family Bingo & Quiz Nights to Live Music, Northern Soul Nights, Live TV Rugby & Football events and even Squash Events,...

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Dates for your Diary

Did you know we have an Events Calendar? You can find out whats going on in and around our premises by checking out our Events page! From Family Bingo & Quiz Nights to Live Music, Northern Soul Nights, Live TV Rugby & Football events and even Squash Events,...

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NMPFA Survey

Your feedback matters!The Nunthorpe Marton & Ormesby community is coming together to shape the future of our wonderfulPlaying Fields Association, and we need your input. Why Participate? Your views are essential in helping us make improvements and create a space...

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Come join us!

Are you part of a sports group looking for a new home? The Nunthorpe & Marton Playing Fields Association is excited to welcome like-minded clubs and teams to join our family as a sporting section within our charity. Located in the heart of Nunthorpe and...

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New furniture – Recreation Club

Lots of hard work done today to install the new furniture. Why not call in and see the difference? Many thanks to the small team of volunteers who spent their time shifting around and resetting the new chairs and tables.

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Trustee News

The NMPFA regretfully announce that Colin Geddes has stepped down from his position as Football Representative and Trustee of the NMPFA, effective immediately. The Chairman and Executive would like to take this opportunity to formally thank Colin for his support...

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NMPFA Roadmap 2024-2025

Are you interested to know what the NMPFA has been doing since the AGM in July 2024? Perhaps you'd like to know what we have planned for 2025? The NMPFA Roadmap 2024-2025 can also be downloaded from the Documents Section as a PDF.

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Fireworks Event – Friday 1st November

Nunthorpe and Marton Recreation Club's Annual Fireworks Display Bigger and better than ever! Taking place on Friday 1st November. Tickets are £6 per person or £20 for a family of four and can be purchased from the bar. The event will feature fairground rides, food...

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Statement from the Chairman, October 2024

  It’s now three months since the Annual General Meeting in July, and those that were there will have not forgotten the spontaneous applause in the room when the new administration was elected. It was a tremendous welcome for me, as a Nunthorpe resident, and I am...

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Statement 14th June 2024

A gentle reminder to all from the NMRT Trustees. Online can be a wonderful place for various reasons, but a very scary one when wrong information and lies are thrown around. We are unsure of the appropriate approach to address hate stemming from falsehoods, out of...

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 Charity Commission Complaint

CHARITY COMMISSION COMPLAINT BY EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS AND PERSONAL AGENDAS We have had many meetings, presentations of documents and sought to constantly reassurances to prominent individuals, external groups, sporting section committees and individual members of our...

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Members Update – Tennis Development

The PFA feel it is time and necessary to dispel some of the misconceptions that have been circulated throughout the club by people who are either reluctant to accept true facts or who have not been party to relevant discussions and decisions made at previous AGM’s etc.

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Want to Join a Club?

If you are interested in joining any section or require further information please complete the form on our contact page and someone will contact you