A gentle reminder to all from the NMRT Trustees.

Online can be a wonderful place for various reasons, but a very scary one when wrong information and lies are thrown around.

We are unsure of the appropriate approach to address hate stemming from falsehoods, out of context soundbites and outright lies especially, as generally, this is not an arena we frequent.

For over 3 year we’ve been navigating a very strange and upsetting wave of accusations, rumours, fabricated situations, fake testimonials, you name it. All the while staying silent and not playing into these ridiculous claims.

Accusations, assumptions and emotional responses of certain individuals made in the past months especially, have taken on another level of defamation, with calls from our own solicitors to “Take it further”, forcing a number of our lay gratis Trustees leave.

Those who know us, know that we would never put ourselves in such positions, say certain things or act in such a way, to allow this to happen.

We are far from perfect, but we do take pride in our positions, our charity, our values, morals and manner albeit being pushed beyond belief given some of the extremist perspectives we have all witnessed. Let that be clear.

As local community members, the comments, hate and threats of physical violence in some cases, affect us and the people around us, our friends and family deeply, having far reaching consequences. We hope this serves as a reminder for people to verify comments, rumours, accusations, assumptions and online content and never resort to making such threats.

We hope those of you who have contributed to this, take a moment to reflect on the real-life consequences of spreading lies and engaging in hate.

We can all do so much better than this, have the adult conversations needed, take responsibility for our actions, understanding that honesty is paramount when dealing with our charity. Our plans to develop this facility are being thwarted by these recent events not allowing us to grow out of this current position, only kicking the can down the road due to opposing personal beliefs.

Based on the above, an AGM is called to be held on Wednesday evening 17th July 2024 7pm in the Recreation Club. This will allow for the relevant paperwork to be organised and notices to be posted.

NMRT Trustees