The PFA feel it is time and necessary to dispel some of the misconceptions that have been circulated throughout the club by people who are either reluctant to accept true facts or who have not been party to relevant discussions and decisions made at previous AGM’s etc.

It is incumbent on the PFA management committee to manage this facility in the best interests of the Charity and that is the aim of any decisions the committee have to take.

The membership should be aware that the PFA charge each sporting section member a capitation fee. These fee’s go towards paying for the yearly running costs of the Playing Fields Association facility. As a consequence of declining membership figures and the increasing cost of running the facility, the capitation figure has had to increase annually.

The current Tennis section has perhaps seen the most severe decline in membership over recent years; currently there are only twelve full members. With their declining membership, the Tennis section have for the last ten years or more failed to find anyone of their members willing to become a Trustee and as a result have had no representation on the PFA during that time. With so few members and a lack of proactive leadership, the tennis facilities for which they are responsible have been allowed to fall into a state of severe decay.

After investigation the PFA have discovered the following. There are seven tennis courts. Currently the three rear courts are unsalvageable. Of the four front courts, two are unplayable with the remaining two, barely playable. If you are ever able to see any tennis been played out there, you will see that the front two courts are the only ones used. The perimeter fencing requires extensive repair with the access points requiring replacement. The hedging, which is encroaching over and through the fence onto the playing areas, needs cutting back and maintaining, something which the PFA (volunteers), not tennis members, have already started to do.

The PFA have offered to be responsible in managing the current tennis section. Manage! Not disband the section as some would have you believe. Manage by helping with maintenance, carry out renovations, development and marketing, allowing for the section to best increase its membership.


As the Charity’s annual running costs rise and memberships of most of the sporting sections is falling, the PFA have taken a view to help best solve this issue, by adding alternative revenue streams that will generate funds to help cover 100% of these costs. This will in turn reduce capitation and section’s fees. The PFA have the responsibility to find the best use and hopefully, the best revenue generating activities for the land entrusted to us, which will in turn reduce the financial burden to all the other sporting sections and importantly the capitation paid by members. This will ultimately secure the Charity’s financial commitments in the future.

The PFA considered a number of proposals, one being a joint proposal from our Tennis and Squash sections, to help solve the above problem. Business plans and ideas were subsequently submitted in support, duly discussed and considered by the PFA, with a number rejected as they would bring no significant increase in revenue and no benefit to support the best interest of the Charity, its members or the best use of the land. The PFA committee are now pursuing funding to try and implement some of these options. The area where the three furthest derelict tennis courts are, could be used for a new 5-a-side pitch, supported by our Junior Football section.

The remaining front four Tennis court could house a new Padel Tennis court; one of the fastest growing sports in the UK; with the remaining three Tennis courts improved, allowing the Tennis section to continue and hopefully thrive! This will provide three new revenue streams on a Pay-and-Play basis for the Charity, adding to the existing membership structure/revenue stream. The PFA have no desire whatsoever to see Tennis leave our facility.

It is understandable that certain respective committees are disappointed with the above decision. However there has been a sustained campaign to discredit the PFA with accusation against Trustees of improprieties in conducting PFA business. Respective committees have now engaged the services of a solicitor to challenge how the PFA conducts its business. Unfortunately and in response, the PFA have now had to engage the Charity’s Solicitors to review our constitution under Charity Law and confer with the Charity Commission, to clarify definitively our responsibilities and duties for our Charity. Both have confirmed that we have complied with our constitution and acted in the best interest of the Charity and also in compliance with Charity Laws, quoting the following excerpt from our Constitution:

Constitution Document (2005 Amendment).

First schedule. Paragraph 3.         The general management and control of the Trust Property and the arrangement for its use shall be vested in a Committee of Management (hereinafter called the committee).

NMPFA Committee. 25th Jan 2024.